Friday, 28 March 2008

Opportunity Knocked

Decided to have another go at the $25 rebuy on After the rebuy period, during which I really played very badly, I was as usual on a bit less than average chips. Really, I think the best way to play this part of the tourney is to play premium hands only. If you get those hands and multi-up, great. If not, take the rebuy and add-on and you're in OK shape anyway.

But, I rarely do as I say. So, same result, but more money invested.

OK - into the freezeout - whole different story.

Took a few chances early on and got away with it, and after finding AA vs an A8 push and AQ v an AT push, I was on 34k (20th place). Now I found AcJc in the small blind and was involved in a weird hand with the BB. I raised to 2,900 (500/1,000/75). He called. Flop QcJd8c. I bet 2,400 which he called. Turn Kd. I checked. Now he bet 5k or so and I called (possibly a bad call). River a blank. I checked, and faced an 11k bet. I called, expecting to lose tbh, but he showed A8. Result ! Up to 56k and 6th place.

Alas, I really squandered this good fortune. Simply, I put my chips in jeopardy in some marginal spots and got punished.

My last hand was pretty bad as well. I started with 21k chips and found 77 in mid/early position and decided to raise to 4,200. The correct move was probably to fold. Now the button (short-stack - pushed for 9,900 total. The small blind (twice my stack) just called. I figured that with a strong hand, the SB would push and so reckoned I could get heads-up with the short-stack with all the dead money in the pot.

So, I pushed and was not happy to get a call !

I was facing TT and JJ which was much worse than I feared, and I did not suck out.

So from 6th (actually 5th was my best) to out in 15minutes and really a big waste. I felt that the other day I played really quite well (until near the end) whereas here I lost my way earlier and was out 82/478 - 45 paid.

Still, lessons learned I suppose.

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