Saturday, 27 June 2009

A - Z of Poker: Day 25

From London to Vegas in 26 Letters

Day 25: Y is for ...

Y is for YBA. An acronym that is forever associated with gutshot. "You'll Be Alright" is another of those wonderful phrases with an infinite spectrum of meaning. I don't know if it really was coined by gutshotters (anyone care to suggest a clear provenance ?) but its use in conversation is a clear giveaway of associations with gutshot.

A quick "google" on the abbreviation reveals that the most accepted use seems to be "Young British Artist" although "You'll Be Alright" does make it into the 6 "accepted" definitions along with the airport code for Banff, Youth Basketball Association, Youth Bowling Association and Youth Buddhist Association (of Hawaii). Hmm....

I am not clear what the criteria are for "acceptance" on are, but I do know that YBA is absolutely accepted among gutshot aficionados and, indeed, it is more or less mandatory to get one or more instances into any serious conversation.

Y is for YOYO. As we have discussed previously, nicknames cannot be changed once granted and ideally no two players should share a nickname in common. So, I am stuck with H-bomb and in any case YOYO has been taken by the unique Mike Khan and indeed by UK professional Julian Thew, whom I met in Vegas last year actually.

But, were it not for these reasons, then I would have a claim on the name I think. In both cash and tournaments my stack is prone to wild gyrations. Occasionally this is due to the natural flow of the cards and luck but usually it is a symptom of finding multiple excuses to get into pots and not wanting to give up on them.

I am not sure if there is any effective cure for my YOYO tendencies. There is a potential solution to the fact that "YOYO" is taken. Someone recently suggested to be that I could take "Zebedee" instead. This has not been claimed as far as I know. It could also give me something to write about on Day 26 ....

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