Thursday, 17 April 2008

Front Page News

In a sense. Here's the sense of it ...

I have been posting on the gutshot forum for a couple of years now. In the early days, I used to "lurk" as they say: read posts but never reply or post. It seemed a bit scary and I am not a great fan of the colourful language that prevails on many internet forums (whatever the subject).

However, once you start becoming active on a forum it becomes self-propelling to an extent.

After a year or so I was amongst the top hundred posters. There are literally thousands of members of the forum but many have never posted or posted only once (eg if they are a spam-bot!). So, with a couple-hundred posts or so, one would be well up there in terms of the posting hierarchy.

Lately, as my total posts grew and I became even more active on the forum (although, even now, my average number of posts is still only 1.2 per day) I moved up the ranks - it's a kind of exponential graph - they top posters have thousands of posts.

If one sorts the members my # of posts, they are listed 30 per page. I made it onto page 2, then climbed upwards and I started to think I would eventually get there.

Well, this week I did ! I got to the bottom of page1 when I had 904 posts. So, that's what I'm talking about !

I will likely climb further over time because some of the top-posters of all time have either left the company (if they were "official" posters) or have left the forum for whatever reason or, in one unfortunate case, have died.

It's not much of an achievement (not an achievement at all, really, as Matt & Harry pointed out) but rankings of all kind do have a certain fascination !

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